How to tag brands so that Altolinks can detect your post.

Due to Facebook’s data integration limitations, some tags count and some don’t count. Here’s a list of tags that count and don’t count. Be sure to tag the brand in this way to ensure that your post is detected by Altolinks and so you can get rewarded.
Stories that are reposts are not detected.
When you repost a story (such as when you repost the brand's content) it is not detected by Altolinks. Please be sure to add a text mention if you want to be rewarded for reposting.
Photo tags in posts and @mention stickers in stories are not detected.
See below for examples of tags that are not detected by Altolinks. If you do tag in this way, it won't be detected by Altolinks and you won't be rewarded. Photo tags in posts are tags that are added to the photo itself. @mention stickers in stories are stickers (rather than text) that are added to the story. Unfortunately, due to limitations by Facebook, we are unable to detect these tags.

Mentions in text are detected
Mentions and hashtags in post captions and text mentions and hashtags in stories ARE detected.

See below for examples of tags that are detected by Altolinks. If you do tag in this way, it will be detected by Altolinks and you will be rewarded. Mentions and hashtags in post captions are tags that are added to the text of the post. Text mentions and hashtags in stories are tags that are added to the text of the story. You'll have to type these out rather than use the @mention sticker.
Make sure your mentions are clearly visible
In some cases, we use machine vision to detect tags. This means that the tag must be clearly visible in the post or story. If the tag is too small or blurry or obscured by other text or images, it may not be detected. Make sure your tag is clearly visible in the post or story to ensure that it is detected by Altolinks.